Monday 29 September 2014


Hello Students and Parents!

I hope you found the last activity a unique learning experience. We have been learning much about media literacy and the importance of critical reflections within the media. For this week, we are going to work with Tellagami; a mobile app that lets you create and share a quick animated Gami video. This is a website where students are able to create a review (based on anything within the media- a book, movie, magazine) and they will be required to present their review through the avatars within Tellagami. Please make sure to support your review with evidence and strengths/room for improvement. You will be given class time to prepare your rough copy and transform/transfer it onto Tellagami. 

Parents, this task relates to the Ontario curriculum as it is within the media literacy strand and oral communication of the Language curriculum.  It allows students to explore a unique way of communicating what they learned through an interactive activity.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to send me an email. 

Media Literacy Strand
By the end of grade 8, students will: (Responding to and Evaluating Texts) evaluate the effectiveness of the presentation and treatment of ideas, information, themes, opinions, issues, and/or experiences in media texts (e.g., explain how a series of newspaper stories on a controversial issue captured and maintained their interest; explain the similarities and differences in the treatment of a particular topic or theme in different media texts and evaluate the relative effectiveness of the treatments; as a class, evaluate the media’s coverage of a social or environmental issue over a two-week period)

Oral Communication Strand:
(Speaking to Communicate) use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes;

By the end of grade 8, students will: (Clarity and Coherence) communicate in a clear, coherent manner, using a structure and style appropriate to the purpose, the subject matter, and the intended audience 

By the end of grade 8, students will: (Appropriate Language) use appropriate words, phrases, and terminology from the full range of their vocabulary, including inclusive and non-discriminatory language, and a range of stylistic devices, to communicate their meaning effectively and engage the interest of their intended audience (e.g., use imagery, figurative language such as similes and analogies, and other stylistic elements such as idioms and onomatopoeia to evoke a particular mood in a dramatic monologue or an appeal for support)

By the end of grade 8, students will: (Visual Aids) use a variety of appropriate visual aids (e.g., photographs, multimedia, diagrams, graphs, charts, costumes, props, artefacts) to support and enhance oral presentations

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